Night vision on camera 4

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Night vision on camera 4

Post by theo »

Dear Romeo,

The night vision on camera 4 is not working at all. I see vague shadows and nothing else. Can you please look into this and fix the problem?

Thanks so much.
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Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:44 pm

Re: Night vision on camera 4

Post by redbone1 »

Romeo/Don Juan:

Can you please also see about the nbelow adjustments:

Camera 1 is o.k. except it needs to be focused a litle better. Also why are the models sleeping at the foot of the bed? The camera light is focused on their feet and ythe headboard. I can't ever recall seeing models in bed 1 sleep that way. All others slept withj their head at the headboard.

Can Camera 3 be returned to it's original position? It is really getting boring looking at that lonely pillow on the top bunk 24/7.

Camera 4 is mstill pointed at the coat hangers and they are real;ly lit up by the camera light. Can this cam or the cam light be moved a little the other way so the focus is on the bed rather than on the coat hangers.

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Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:44 pm

Re: Night vision on camera 4

Post by romeostorm »

Ok Theo I will see to cam 4 and check the night vision
Posts: 199
Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:44 pm

Re: Night vision on camera 4

Post by romeostorm »

I will refocus the cam on bunk 3 and the cam that is focused on the coat hangers as you say is a clear shot of the bed.... Also the way the boys sleep in the bed I cant tell anyone how to sleep but I will make sure that you have a good focus on them where ever they lay the head