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Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:36 am
by Cloudsb4storm
Ok why was the forum "Further Evidence That They Don't Care About Paying Members..." Closed and The Second Forum with the same name was removed?

This goes to show again how when things are not in your favor you lock rooms and removed things that we are talking about. I know that we will never agree on everything. That is what democracy is all about. Everyone has an opinion rather it is good or bad. It is still their opinion. What you are telling us is if we don't agree with anything that you all do then you will lock us out or remove it.

It is truly sad that things have come to this.

Meanwhile I asked a question in another forum about the changes that was said way back in Feb/Mar. That was to be done by this summer and I have not seen anything posted on that. I even took the steps to give you a check list based on the information you said you was going to do... Still nothing.

Now about the 24/7 Here is what you have advertised on the Home page.

"We've found the hottest and horniest Black & Latino boys, moved them in together and turned on the cameras. CocoDorm is filled with the hottest action, fucking, sucking and what ever else these sexually uninhibited boys can think of. Live action 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We never turn the cameras off. So, cum in, chat with the boys, check out the photo and video archives and don't forget to check out the schedule to see when the boys put on their special shows."

I underline the words that you have 24hours a day 7 day a week. we all know for a fact that anyone who comes into the dorm can't fuck 24/7 365. I say if you want the members to stop throwing that up in conversation then I suggest you removed those words and say. "They have much sex on cam."

I have seem many of these sites come and go. The first was Streetlife, then Thugcam, now Cocodorm and a few bootleg ones along the way. Yes Cocodorm has out lasted those and I know it can step to the next level but, If you stop trying to hear your members then it will do like the others in the past did. CLOSE. I have said the only down fall is there is no real competition for Cocodorm. I feel if there was another site out that was giving just as you. I believe things would be different. But since you hold the monopoly on this site at this time. Then it is what it is.

Let me put a pin in this right here and say the Customer Service that was showed on Further Evidence That They Don't Care About Paying Members..." Was not what that was. If I had been on my job and used that type of tone and said the things that was said I would have been suspended or removed from my job. That was not good customer service.

I'm not saying that we as members are 100% in what we do. At times we can step out the box and into some mess. We can cross the line in our words as well. But in always You should never take it personal. "Remember this is what you do it is not who you are." In the customer service business you will get all kinds. But at no time should you step out like that.

I don't mean like I'm 100% but I have learn to think before I speak. I never take what is said on here personal. I have a life outside of this site. I know if someone comes and they not my type of boi then I don't watch. I stay away until someone I do like shows up. I don't get in their face I let them do what they do. I wait til the next batch show up. That is want we have to learn to do.

I know I have said my peace and if this don't stay up on the Forum that is ok. At lease I know you read it. I really hope you take this in the spirit it was sent. I'm not trying to come out a bag on anyone I just hope it is received in good spirit.

Long time member, or until you pull the plug on me. :lol:

Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:18 am
by Brandon Cash
Not speaking for Support, but I think the thread was locked because he made a valid point and everyone just continued to constructive comments on the amount of service (or in this case lack of) that the Dorm provides to it's members.

So then let's assume you really are that unhappy with the way Support handled your question. Mad enough to say that the Dorm doesn't deserve your cash anymore. You've been offered a full refund. I'm not sure how many other sites you've paid for or canceled a subscription to, but in my experience even when you cancel you still get charged through the month.

What other porn site have you been to that offers a forum like this where you as a member can have an input. Not only have an input but know that the people who need to see it will unlike other sites where you send an e-mail off to a faceless webmaster and get an auto reply a few seconds later.

Don't even get me started on the "false advertising" thing. With the amount of sites out there that say they offer "The hottest original content on the net" and come to find out it's all stuff from 1955 that you can get on a million other sites for free, that one line is poking just to poke if you know what I mean. Everything else on the main page still holds true. The content is all original and you SHOULDN'T be able to find it anywhere else *cough*xtube*cough*, there are thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of men of all different colors freakin' off just for you. If your a newbie and that's too much porn to sift through, you can sort it by four different categories including ratings from other members so you know what's hot and what's not. Then you get model confessions so the dudes on the screen aren't just pieces of meat. Also, technically there is LIVE ACTION 24 hours a day, seven days a's just not always fucking...but most people assume that when they sign up. What other site can pervs watch sexy young boys sleep in their undies? Kidding on that one, but not really.

So...I know your probably wondering why I even care, and it's only because you seem to have a double edged message dipped in lilacs so it comes across more polite than it really is. Your a customer and all customers whether they be unhappy or not deserve to be treated with respect, but as the customer you feel that whatever you say has to be right and for management to tell you anything other than what you want to hear is unacceptable. So you air your gripe in your first post, and even after Support offered a reasonable answer, the digging kept going until it was a borderline cave in and got shut down. One thread was locked, the other deleted entirely, not because the conversation wasn't going in favor of Support, but because it was a repeat. If he was deleting anything critical of himself, he would have deleted both threads. Now, despite the other threads being locked, you start another thread with essentially the same topic of you being mad and not feeling your membership dollars are worth spending anymore.

Then you started in on the improvements that got announced in Feb/Mar, but think about this: assuming the improvements actually started February 1st, that's only five months gone by.
SUPPORT wrote:Now that the lawsuit with the City of Miami is over, we will be making many changes to the dorm. Some will happen within a few weeks, others will take a few months.

Here is what is on the agenda for enhancements to the Dorm. When we have workers in the house doing these repairs, we will shut the cameras down.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Outside Backyard
Installing a Wood paneling privacy fence, 7 feet tall around the back end of the house.
Adding a outdoor hot tub and cam

Paint and fix water damage
Fix Ice Maker, add filtration
Add new Blinds on window
Fix Faucet
Install two 30" Doors in kitchen
Re-Install Kitchen Cam

Laundry Room
Clean inside of Dryer
Add new blinds to windows
Fix lint vent
Fix toilet in Laundry Room washroom

Dinning Room
Add new blinds to windows
Add Camera in corner facing Kitchen and Living Room

Around the House
Re polish Hardwoods Floors
Fill in holes on floors
Replace cracked glass on window panes and install new panes

Florida Room
New window latches
Ceiling repaired
Install blinds
Fix outlet and light switch
Install cam
Turn Florida Room into Game Room
Add TV and XBOX 360

Living Room
Install new electrical outlets
Add new furniture

Group Room
New Bedroom set
Install two new Electrical Outlets

Bedroom #1 (NE Side) Bedroom #2 (SE Side) Bedroom #3 (SW Side-with private bathroom) Bedroom #4 (NW Side)

Bedroom #1 & #2
Install new electrical outlets for additional cameras
Remove carpet, polish wood underneath

Bedroom #3 (Dorm Dad)
Connect Bathroom upstairs to Bedroom #4 both rooms
Install Camera in Bedroom #3

Bedroom #4 (Guest - No cams)
Install new electrical outlets for additional cameras

Bathroom Upstairs
Knock out 1/2 closet of Bedroom #1.
Install large shower with two shower heads (locker room style).
Move door to bathroom further down hall increasing square footage of bathroom.
Add new Bathtub, large over sized jacuzzi tub.
Install shower camera
Install jacuzzi tub cam
That's damn near a whole new house, and let me draw your attention to the part that says "SOME OF THIS MAY TAKE A FEW MONTHS".

Quite honestly, I think Support asked you to direct further questions/comments/concerns to e-mail so that he wouldn't feel quite so dog piled. I would have given you all my buddy [BRICKWALL] to talk to :lol:

-Brandon Cash

Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:01 am
by Cloudsb4storm
Ok Brandon Few by definition of Webster Few: not many; a small number of pron. not many; a small number -few and far between scarce; rare the few the minority. So Let see February 2nd month July 7th month Few??

To be honest when I wrote my words It was not really for support only.
Webster definition of Forum - the public square of an ancient Roman city 2 an assembly, program, etc. for the discussion of public matters.
As members we come to talk and discuss whatever matters we have to say good or bad about this site. I hate to say it most times it is bad but again this is an open forum. If I was to send this to them how would that help and give my fellow members the opportunity to add or take away from what is said.

O and Brandon My words where sent the way I wanted them to go. No hidden agenda I said what I said the way I said it and was not trying to hide anything. Trust if I wanted to cut I would have made those words cut. I don't bite my tongue at all. But you looked at it through your eyes and I through mine.

Oh yes I heard about the refund they are offering that sounds great. But if you read my last line It said simple. "A long time member." If I was to let every little thing people did or said get to me I would not be in the United States Of America. Just because we don't agree does not mean that we can't find common ground.

And thanks for the feedback.

Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:23 pm
by Iverson3

:) Thanx...I agree with you. It is not that I do not understand where the other members are coming from....but as members, we all have a voice and should feel free to express it when we deem it necessary to do so...respectfully of course. Usually, if I have an issue that is not addressed adequately enough to my satisfaction, or is it not addressed at all....I email my concern(s) directly to Support/customer service. Once I receive their which I always do...I then proceed to document the response for future reference :!:


Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:49 pm
by Will2K
I hope you members are doing well. I just wanted to drop a few lines in reference to what I think the site is about. The site offers a "LIVE" look into the lives of the boys living in the dorm. It is not just about sex, it is about the daily lives of the boys, and also the other services that are offered through the site (Photo Shoots, Past Streams, Dorm Boy Confessions, etc.). Of course the main thing that people sign up for is sex, but there are alot of people that sign of for the other services. I would suggest that if you have not taken the time to use some of the other options on the site, that you take the time to do so. You just might find something to your liking!!!! But I do appreciate all of the comments, good or bad. They are welcomed here in the "FORUM". Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, whether it is wrong or not. Feel free to hit me up if you have any direct questions about anything. I will try my best to answer all questions if I can. ( I look forward to hearing and talking to you guys.


Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:21 pm
by Brandon Cash
Clouds, that last post is a prime example what I meant by saying you were being subversive. On the one hand you claim to be being respectful and what not, but then you provide the Websters definition of "few" and "forum" as if I'm a fucking idiot and don't know what they mean.

You tell me how many of those improvements you could have made in five months with minimal interruption to the operation of the dorm.

I'll wait.

-Brandon Cash

Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:50 pm
by Iverson3

Thanx for your recent post.


Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:24 am
by Cloudsb4storm
We Brandon,

I have been in the construction business. So Let me give you the Spin on it. The first thing I would have done before I ever talked to any members would have been to get a contractor to come in and do the estimates and secure permits. You can't do any construction of that type without them. After securing those I would have told you the members what was up as they did. Well the first place to start would have been the kitchen, laundry, Florida,& dinning rooms since it is out of sight of the cams. so any construction that was done would not effect anything. The next issue would have been to work on the bathroom upstairs. Since during the day I would have outings for the boys so the construction crew could come in and work. After that has been complete I would start with the bedrooms 1,2,3 & 4. Lastly I would do the 7foot fence. If you had a crew to complete it. The hardest part is the bathroom. That is the 1 that requires permits and workers. And Yes It could all happen in five months. I have seen construction much greater than that done in five months and it was done great.

Again Like I said to you Brandon I don't take the things that are said in here personal. This is not who I am, it is just what I do. My Life begins when I turn this off.
If you felt like I was belittling you when I gave you the definition of the words few and forum then that is your opinion.

Anything else I can assist you with?

Re: Just Read, Think, Then Speak WHY???

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:25 am
by Cloudsb4storm
Iverson3 and Will2k,

Thanks for the words.