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Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:40 am
by TroyDevin
1) Power outage in Chicago 06/25/09 = -1 days
2) "We are working with CCBill and will be extending everyone's membership by an extra 3 days" = +3 days
3) Relevent models and shows cancelled for THEIR July 4th promo = -4 days
4) -1 + 3 - 4 = -2 days that members had to pay for anyway.

Whereas, my monthly fee must be paid IN FULL, whether my power goes out or I wanna go on vacation. What do you fellow members think?

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:58 pm
by Brandon Cash
When you did your math, did you factor in how often we end up getting extra shows other than the ones planned on the schedule? How often solos and duos turn into duos and trios? The special guests that come through the dorm every so often in order to give you a little something extra for your membership?

Trust me, any other porn site that experiences a power outage just comes back up when the problem gets fixed. Here, not only was someone able to let you know why the site was down (if you subscribe to the the Cocodorm or Thugsforsex Twitter feeds) but to let you know when it was back up and running they way it should be. In addition, for a ONE DAY loss of service, your getting a THREE DAY extension on your membership. I'm sure working that out with CCBill is also going to cost a small fee since that's A LOT of members that have to have memberships extended.

In addition, it's been stated that there WILL be shows from Chicago this weekend as the boys are also attenting Pride events while they are there. So even on their holiday when they could say "let's leave the cameras here and let the guys have some fun away from the HIGHLY critical eye of the members", you've got a site that dedicated enough to you to take cameras hundreds of miles away from their base of operations just to make sure that you get a live show tonight....on the 4th of July when most people will be at cook outs and fireworks displays anyways.


Yeah. That's what 2 days membership to cocodorm cost assuming you went with the 30 day option and this is your first thru third month. Two dollars and thirty three cents. Not saying every dollar you spent shouldn't be well spent, but when you think about it there are going to be AT LEAST two day out of the month that you don't visit the dorm anyways.

-Brandon Cash

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:24 am
by Cloudsb4storm
Well speaking on those Chicago shows... What happen to them?? I don't seen any posted streams of anything that was done. Matter of fact I posted a message to them requesting an update on all the fine changes that they were going to have done before this summer. So far I have not seen anything other than the excuses of why they have not done anything that they said was going to be done. So for you to come in here and give us the break down on your 2 days extra is not the real point it is the real lack of respect that is being shown to us. I have been around this site for a very very long time. I have seen many promises made and many of them be broken. If you go back and check he archive of things support has told us that was coming and then not deliver. Ok we heard about these great cams that they have in demo. And some members where to to testing them. Who are the members who tested the cams I want to see some opinion from them. Rather than just get this posting saying it. To be honest I still think the cams have not been purchased and that is just another way of blowing smoke up our ass. So when will we hear the real story and not those fake things you want us to believe.

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:37 am
by ja25n#
Thanks Troy Devin and Clouds4Storm for comments! I have voiced similar comments about this company does just enough to keep you coming back. I agree, what happen to the Chicago shows. In fact, they probably not technically equipment to do a show in Chicago and have it shown simultaneously or "LIVE" in Miami.

We are suckers and my patience with this site is wearing thin. In about a month or two, this site will be history and $29.95 per month will return to my pocket.

My 2-cents of thought,

Ja25n# Ches

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:03 pm
by Iverson3
Hey ja25n#,

I thought the fees paid were non-refundable :?: Get back to me on that one because I have a yearly membership...that I just paid in the amount of $99.95. You, Troy Devin and Clouds4Storm have made points that Cocodorm/Flavaworks should be apprised of. We all have a voice. Troy Devin was wise to start the latest conversation pertaining to paying members.

Thank you :!:

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:46 pm
by ja25n#

You are correct! Your payments are non-refundable. When I said returning the $29.95 per month to my pocket, I mean that my subscription to Cocodorm/Flavaworks will be cancelled. The $29.95 will no longer be used for the site but used for something else.

Ja25n# - Ces

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:04 am
by TroyDevin
I wonder if they are even LEGALLY allowed to do shows from Chicago, since they were ran out of there to Miami.

P.S. Anyone notice the "Establishment's" (Support's) silence on the whole issues? 8-)

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:03 am
Tonight's show will be broadcast from Chicago.We had some issues over the weekend which prevented us from a show, but tonight should be a great and exciting show.

Yes Flava Works is legally allowed to film anywhere, even at the old Chicago Dorm Location.

As for credit for days when there are no shows, CocoDorm is more than just live scheduled shows, we have many many more features on the site for you to explore (Photos, videos, streams, Chat, etc.). If you feel CocoDorm is not right for you, just let us know and we will be gladly cancel and refund your account. CocoDorm has been around over seven years and we have thousands of members to prove that, not to mention many loyal members who have been with us since Day 1. There is no other site out there like CocoDorm, however if you feel you must pick apart everything you do not like about our site, please email me at and we will immediately REFUND your last month and cancel your membership forever from our site. However, if you are like the 99.9% that enjoy the site and all of the ups and downs, we welcome your feedback and contractive criticism on how we can continually improve our site.

In the meantime, TroyDevin, we expect you will be first in line. Brandon Cash, thanks for your help on this answer!

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:25 am
by TroyDevin
'Support' as for you expectations of me being the "first in line", lay those down, as I have had to lay down my expectations of your quality of service. It's been near a week now without a live show. Your 'if you don't like it, get out' attitude, is shocking condisering you are a service company that is attempting to make money in these dismal financial times. Furthermore, my post was mainly directed to the other paying members to see how they felt, because already I knew what to expect from you, thus the title of my post.

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:37 pm
by Daddy$D
Over the past four days, I have felt those same feelings of TroyDevin and Cloud? My frustration evolved around inconsistency. Any customer oriented business should above all else, be consistent with its services. I do understand breakdowns and mechanical difficulties but I think that planning alternatives should be a priorty in insuring that the expectation of the customer is protected. In other words, perhaps if when the cams fail or are inadequate adding another "good" stream or photo show may be a way or appeasing the customers despite the disappointment of not being able to view the dorm boys in live action. I think that just saying that "we had problems" may be the reason for customer disatisfaction.
I agree with support that if one is not satisfied with a product, they should not continue to support the product. But, what is paramount in this instance is that there is no other site like Cocodorm and none that can compete. So, to dis customers could not only be detrimental but truly acknowledges Troy'D's reaction
I have been a member almost since day one and have seen many changes but for me.....just be cognizant of the customer/members and the fact that $29.00 or even $19.00 is difficult for some to come by and they have consistently supported why get defensive.....get better. Take what the members say as constructive criticism, not an attack.

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:18 pm
Not one person has come forward on our offer to refund their money, no one.

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:16 pm
by Iverson3

Your last post is a positive sign that us members are willing to work with the administration @ Flavaworks/Cocodorm. This ongoing conversation is relevant to the fact that we see room for improvement and are willing to inform you on what we see as a slight towards the paying members, and on any clear evidence of a need for producing much needed enhancements @ the Dorm. Everyone thus far have been repsectful in their approach to this subject. If we didn't care or became frustrated enough, I truly believe that we would have asked for a refund and kept it moving. Thanks for listening.


Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:29 pm
"get better. Take what the members say as constructive criticism, not an attack."
Because the ones complaining are complaining about unrealistic requests? Having the boys fucking on cam every second? Complaining that they don't like the boys or that the boys don't do this or do that.

We offer a service unlike no others, it has been proven to work, we have thousands of satisfied customers, yet only a small handful (less than .05%) are vocally unhappy. We do a great job at the CocoDorm and our service is excellent, but as they say, you can not please everyone, which is why we offered a refund for those unhappy, yet no one, has taken us up on that offer. No one.

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:52 am
by Cloudsb4storm
What a shame....... Unbelievable :o .......

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:48 am
by ja25n#

What happen to the system last night (Tuesday, July 7, 2009)? There was to have a Show scheduled at 10:00 p.m. but at 10:30 p.m., I tried to access the Show and it said, "Connecting to Media." The Show was never shown on my site. I, then, attempted to access a Stream, it said, "Connecting to Media" and the Stream never materialized.

Since I was unable to access the Show, at its scheduled time, I assumed it was a system problem and the administrators would alert us (customers) as to a problem. As of this morning, no one has said anything about a problem to access the Show, etc.

I awake this morning (Wednesday, July 8, 2009)to see a Stream and there is no access. When I click on the Stream to view it, it's saying the same thing, "Connecting to Media." and never materialize.

I click on "Live Cam Archive," the Cam in each Bedroom/Living Room/Computer Room, and Stream, to receive the response, "Connecting to Media." Is the system down? What is the problem?

If nothing is wrong and others are accessing the system, then, I think I was systemically single out for no access because I complained. It has happen before when I complained.

None of the administrators on your site has said nothing about a problem thus making me think that it is a selective black on my system. You have said nothing in "Twitter" abot a problem.

What is the deal? As it has been said, tell us when there is a problem but no communication causes a larger problem.


Ja25n# - Ches

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:56 am
by TroyDevin

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:08 am
by bobby
"Because the ones complaining are complaining about unrealistic requests? Having the boys fucking on cam every second? Complaining that they don't like the boys or that the boys don't do this or do that."

These were not the complaints, at all.

I had, and am having, the same issues as described above. None of the streams nor the Live Cam Archive are working. What's going on?

Re: Further Evidence That They Don't Care About PAYING Members..

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:58 am
If you have any questions, please email us.