sex outside the dorm

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sex outside the dorm

Post by bmoney »

It only makes sense to me that if you are finding sex outside the dorm, whether it is via payment or hookups, you are less likely to care about the sex inside the dorm, or lack there of. I feel for rock a little bit, he cannot be the only source of action. When he leaves for an extended period of time, the site is a graveyard. Not like there is anything really positive going on now but damn.

It brings to mind a question we old heads asked back in the day. "what is the purpose of the dorm?" The theme of live cams 24/7 has gone. The models don't have sex on cam. The site is often updated with repeat vids. The streams get updated once monthly. Is the dorm just a holding pen/ crash pad for models to wait until their next shoot or next trip for next shoot? I don't know, this premium rate for a non-premium site hasn't been justified for awhile.

As a concept, this site was off the hook, back in the day. I hate to see the site die but c'est le vie.
Rock Rockafella
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by Rock Rockafella »

Good morning Bmoney.

I do appreciate your comments and concerns as always.

We all know that this type of activity is not allowed and has never been allowed. There are some changes coming next week and I don't want to make it appear as if that is all that you guys hear and then all of a sudden there are no changes. When I say that, I really mean it and just like when the flight issued happened with Day Day. Yes I could not understand as to why his flight kept getting delayed. The emails kept coming in from Southwest and it was a first for me as well. But yes he really did miss his flight.

Now, back to the lack of action. Very true, I don't want to be the only one that is bringing the action into the dorm because I can run it, run my business and all these extra things that are going on at the same time. Well I can, but its just a lot that I have to deal with and I don't want to wear myself down.

So next week, just pay close attention to a few things that will be going on in the dorm when I return after the weekend. There are some price changes that will come as well that not only new members will be able to catch on to but you all will be able to do so as well and I think you will be very happy with the turn around from that regard.

No more boys just staying here just to be here
No more coming here and not doing anything on cams or no late nights and no live show
I am not running a charity foundation and I'm sure as hell not running a shelter.

You all come first and I remember how the dorm used to be. THAT is what made it what it was and that is what I will work on my hardest to get somewhat back to that. I say somewhat because this place is smaller, but I am looking to move the dorm back in Florida during the summer.
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by kunta »

Some strong words Rock about what coming in the dorm. Hope it materialize. Its interesting to hear u say the things you wont allow in the dorm. When we as paying members brought it to your attention many times, its viewed by some as we are hating or being negative, This is a business Rock, and if boys are gonna come to the dorm and refuse to entertain, then they should be sent packing.

What I noticed is that these guys just play video games, smoke, chat, use their phones and totally disregard there purpose for being there. No one think that they should not have some free time and do stuff that makes them happy/comfortable, but the primary objective should take priority.

King is a no no for the dorm and he shouldn't be allowed to enter the room much less be on cam. Toonez in my opinion, is not a highly sexed person. He should be relieved from the dorm. He never intiates anything, too laid back for the dorm. He should go now. He spends more time chatting on his cell phone than actually entertaining members.

Get persons who are about fun. The dorm in the past had many of such persons, They would sleep naked, walk around semi nude, they never afraid of showing their bodies and they were never afraid to entertain. Try to get some of those.

Finally Rock, I welcome change. Change is something I embrace with an open mind, but will be quick to make criticism when it don't work. A word of advise, work on improving the content of the site first, i.e, weekly updates of cocotube, regular live shows and late nights. Once you have that done, then u move on to adding new things. Adding new things without improving content, defeat the intended purpose.
Rock Rockafella
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by Rock Rockafella »

Thank you Kunta.

Im sure you speak for all the members in that regards. Definitely appreciated.
kunta wrote:Some strong words Rock about what coming in the dorm. Hope it materialize. Its interesting to hear u say the things you wont allow in the dorm. When we as paying members brought it to your attention many times, its viewed by some as we are hating or being negative, This is a business Rock, and if boys are gonna come to the dorm and refuse to entertain, then they should be sent packing.

What I noticed is that these guys just play video games, smoke, chat, use their phones and totally disregard there purpose for being there. No one think that they should not have some free time and do stuff that makes them happy/comfortable, but the primary objective should take priority.

King is a no no for the dorm and he shouldn't be allowed to enter the room much less be on cam. Toonez in my opinion, is not a highly sexed person. He should be relieved from the dorm. He never intiates anything, too laid back for the dorm. He should go now. He spends more time chatting on his cell phone than actually entertaining members.

Get persons who are about fun. The dorm in the past had many of such persons, They would sleep naked, walk around semi nude, they never afraid of showing their bodies and they were never afraid to entertain. Try to get some of those.

Finally Rock, I welcome change. Change is something I embrace with an open mind, but will be quick to make criticism when it don't work. A word of advise, work on improving the content of the site first, i.e, weekly updates of cocotube, regular live shows and late nights. Once you have that done, then u move on to adding new things. Adding new things without improving content, defeat the intended purpose.
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by blacksandpiper »

Rock I agree with Bmoney and Kunta. I know we criticize and then other members try to discount the very observations that had been made by me and the other two members. If you do not set expectations with these models when they first come in the door, throughout there stay until they leave they will just assume they are in a holding pen, shelter or hotel.

I agree with Kunta, Toonez is too far gone to be saved. I disagree with Rock that the late nights should not be mandatory; call it an experiment gone bad but hoping for action is not working the required approach should be tried. The models know they are there for sex; the models should have to send an audition sex tape. If they are willing to do that then they should be freaky enough to do whatever on cam. Hire some xtube vid posters or people that like sex because Toonez is not the one. I like him physically but he does not initiate sex and does everything but something sexual asides from jacking off. I believe the bad influence for him is King.

I sincerely believe Toonez and King should be removed from the dorm. If King is doing his thing at the clubs he should live somewhere else because I do not see the value of him being there regardless of whatever back office duties he is doing; he is throwing off the sexual vibe because he is not a sexual freak and its rubbing off on Toonez.

Rock in closing the key is to require your "employees/contractors" to do a task and you will see the changes we have been hoping for. PLEASE!!!!
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by marcrowto »

I don't agree with making late nights mandatory (although I'd love for them to happen more often as well), but I do agree that just "letting them be" hasn't been working lately (and it could just be the models; different people respond to things differently).

My suggestion would be to somehow incentivize doing late-nights; that way, they're more likely to perform willingly, more often. I don't know what incentive would work for the structure of the dorm (and the law?), but I feel like if you force them, we'll get more flaccid shows, and more people "missing flights". ;) :lol:
Plus, I imagine (and I'm no lawyer) making sex mandatory, even under the context of porn and voyeurism, could run you into some legal problems.
That's just my opinion, though.
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by marcrowto »

And it could just be the small dorm atmosphere where sex isn't "in the air". I know it sounds bad, but it'll probably be an uphill battle for Rock and his behind the scenes people, until they get back in a larger dorm. Models seem to do better in their first week, and sometimes right before they leave. Maybe they need to do shorter stays. Maybe the guys need to be in and out in shorter time periods.

Maybe a model, John Doe, is brought in for a 2 week stay.
Halfway through his stay (beginning of week 2), he gets a new bunk mate or mates [Tu Rockafella and Tre Rockafella].
At the top of Tu and Tre's second week, the John Doe leaves, as another model, Adam Doe shows up.
So on and repeat. Keeping it moving, so no one gets worn out, 'tired' ;) , or too comfortable.
Basically feeding the waning energy of someone who's been there a minute with the energized, fresh energy of someone who just showed up that's still excited/anxious.

I don't know if you consider that a good idea, or if it's even fiscally feasible (not trying to count your money for you lol), but I imagine it could work until you can get back into a larger dorm.
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by blacksandpiper »

Lol lame logic. You would think required late nights are somewhat illegal well what about required live shows…..same thing dude! Think your comments through before posting. Its not illegal and they are not required to have sex. Porn stars are under contract to require to perform an act under contract and their own will. Either they fuck or leave and don't get paid…plain and simple. That should be their incentive. Set the rules, expectation before these models come and then they can decide before they sign the contract. If they do not perform certain tasks, i.e., late nights, live shows or photo shoots they are in breach of contract and possibly under the terms of that contract they cannot get paid or more over they could be ask to repay any out of pocket expenses used to get them their with the right contract.

There simply needs to be more structure in this dorm. A proper dorm dad like don juan in the past made the dorm great because he kept those boys on schedule, in line and late nights were emphasized not required back then. A lot of people make references as to how great the dorm used to be but these new policies/logic, empty promises are becoming detrimental to the dorm. Shutting the dorm cams off during the day is contradictory to the appeal of the site. My guess is there are shows, hot action going on that members are not allowed to see. Its easy to tell people what you want them to know because thats all you have to go on until proven otherwise. So members I say ask yourself, do you believe internet outages, the maid cleaning, cancelled flights, no show models, problems with the technical staff tagging/uploading videos? Rock please stop with the smoke and mirror act and be straight up. This dorm is spiraling into oblivion. You need someone else to manage these models so that you can focus on the back office operations of the dorm; there needs to be a dorm dad!
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by marcrowto »

I'm well aware I could be starkly wrong on the law. I'm honest about my lack of practice or study of the law, lol, but I do stand by my opinion.
I did put thought into my answer, though, and I did consider the live show angle.

What I'm saying is live shows are formally recorded, therefore, 'porn'.
Live cams may be considered a different situation, by law, and telling A, he must have sex with B, 3 times a week during his stay at the dorm may for all I know have some legally sketchy parts to it. I don't know, and I totally own up to that. I could be (and probably am [lol]) totally wrong. If they are going to do it, I say take precaution and look into it first. And who knows. Rock and former owners have probably looked into it already and decided my concern is invalid, and that's great.
I still don't agree making it mandatory will work well anyway. That's just my opinion on it.
I put myself in the models' shoes, imagining my reaction and performance if I was told I must have sex on a schedule. I imagine although fun in the beginning, eventually I would be like,"Ok. Let's get this over with", which you can tell they feel sometimes with Flavacams.
I do agree that there should be stern expectations set beforehand (which I hope is happening), but models should be let go/sent home early when they lose that flame and are considered no longer entertaining.

All in all, I don't envy the job of running this place. I don't mind giving my opinion, though. :mrgreen:
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by blacksandpiper »

LOL you are an idiot.
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by marcrowto »

Far from.
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by IDidntWannaDoIt »

Have to agree with Blacksandpaper simply because it does seem a little structureless in the dorm. I understand running it may seem hard but the purpose of the dorm has been lost being that the cameras are up really from 10p to whenever someone wakes up. Honestly believe that if you have the right people sex will happen like clockwork. Regrettably Toonez has far overstayed his welcome as well as King. I know change doesn't happen overnight but the fact that for the past month we've been paying for literally nothing we couldn't find on chaturbate for free is extremely disappointing. Have to truly reevaluate the people in the dorm because as I've stated before they are dragging it down at an alarming rate. 24hr Cam's made this place unique now it's a slightly upgraded chaturbate really and makes you wonder if it's worth it
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Re: sex outside the dorm

Post by IDidntWannaDoIt »

No disrespect to you rock because I see you putting in work but I think we are all starting to lose faith in this site. Especially with lackluster performances by the models that have been there the past couple of weeks